27 May 2012

Interested in a Gluten-Free Network?

Just wondering if there is anyone local to us who would like to start a gluten-free network?   We have a family member who is coeliac, so thought it may be nice to get together with other families.

Let me know please through e-mail.

Many thanks

Lots To Do

Such a lovely day, and so much office work to do now I am feeling a bit better.  Starting work on the CLA Game Fair, and have just ordered leaflets showing our summer holiday activities.   Awaiting our Open Farm Sunday  leaflets.

We may need a couple of volunteers for Open Farm Sunday, 17th June, so if you can help, do get in touch please.

See you today for your sausages etc if you are close by.


Hot Day, Barbecue Style

Thinking of having a barbecue?  Sausages and Burgers, Spare Ribs, all in stock.
See you soon.

24 May 2012

Great School Visit Today

Just to say a big thank you to the Country Trust for organising a great school visit today and one for tomorrow. Cathy Evans had to do so much work today because I am not 100%, so thank you Cathy.

21 May 2012

All our Summer Events are Listed Below

Thank you to Tina, for listing these for us.  Book, and come if you can.

Summer Open Days    at Park Hill Farm, Hales, Market Drayton.

See you there.



TIME  11 AM - 3PM

Last week, was the National Gluten Free Awareness Week, and Patsy Pimlott, Educational Co-Ordinator of Park Hill Farm, Hales, was surprised to find that there are no gluten free co-ordinators listed for either Cheshire or Shropshire; with the North Stafforshire group being the closest listed to Market Drayton.

With this is mind, and having a family member who is coeliac, Park Hill Farm has decided to make their OPEN FARM SUNDAY EVENT, on June 17th, substantially gluten free.

Gluten free, vegetarian, and non-vegetarian picnics are available to pre-order in advance of the event.    Where possible, the picnic will contain Park Hill’s own ingredients, and any bought-in ingredients will be gluten free. 

Patsy said  “having a coeliac in the family is not a rare occurrence today, with more than one in every thousand being the possible figures for coeliac diagnosis.  Going out for the day can be a nightmare for parents of young children, as so many places are not aware of the cross contamination issues, such as breaded fish being cooked in the same oil as chips.  

“This year’s Open Farm Sunday is also FATHERS’ DAY, and so we thought it would be a nice touch for families to be able to treat dad on the day to a picnic.

“With this in mind, following our own very traumatic experience at the Titanic Exhibition in Belfast, we decided to support the Gluten Free Awareness Campaign with Park Hill’s  Open Farm Sunday Event.   The farm has been praised for the work it does with the community, and as the current COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS FOR ENTERPRISE, it seems this is one further way we can give families a happy time”. 

Open Farm Sunday is a national day across the UK, and so far, more than 200 farms have pledged to open their doors to the public.   A major attraction to Park Hill’s Open Farm Sunday event is the “Cake, Bake and Take” stand.  Ex-nurse, Sheila Pimlott, helps families mix the cake ingredients (all produced in farms in the UK), explaining where flour comes from etc, and then each child bakes their own cakes to take home.  This year the flour will be gluten free, and the cake stall will have a gluten free selection as well.   As usual, Park Hill will be opening the farm with families not incurring an entrance fee.

Patsy is also interested in hearing from other coeliacs who would be interested in forming a group in the Market Drayton area.  Further information for the Open Day can be found at www.parkhillfarm.blogspot.com and messages can be left on the new Park Hill Farm Face Book page, BOTH OF WHICH WILL BE UPDATED REGULARLY.


Patsy and John Pimlott are involved with
Park Hill Farm -  the current holder of the Countryside Alliance National Award for Enterpise.    Winning this award for the way they farm their traditional breeds of cattle and pigs; the meat they sell at the farm shop, and the high quality educational visits and free open days they offer to the public.

Currently, the farm is in the last 4 of the Midlands area RSPB Award.

The farm is 130 acres of grassland, and its hedgerows, ponds and farm animals will all be playing a part in their Open Farm Sunday.

Patsy and John Pimlott have one daughter, Amelia, who is 11 and she has been a coeliac since the age of 3.

Contact Details

Patsy Pimlott
PR and Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Park Hill Farm
Market Drayton
Shropshire   TF9 2QA

Tel 01630 652178
(new) Face Book page   Park Hill Farm
Twitter   @ppimlott

John Pimlott
Farmer/Events Co-ordinator
as above
Tel 07966 460312

Coeliac UK can be contacted through

Open Farm Sunday can be contacted through