4 December 2009

Items for Sale

We are now able to offer the following for sale

  • Home produced rare breed beef, pork, gammon, sausage and bacon

  • Home bred piglets

  • Home grown hay (horse quality, and suitable for pets)

  • Straw (horse quality, and suitable for pets)

  • LOGS in various sizes

2 November 2009


Libby is a Berkshire x Tamworth pig, and would have been going for bacon, BUT she came to (unbeknown) in pig - and we found her with 3 babies last week. They are very small, but on Sunday they ventured out for customers to see, and Libby is a very proud mum. Piglets are amazing, and should you wish to see them, make sure you bring your wellies to cross the fields to the pig pens.

25 August 2009


Here is the first photograph of the baby piglets.
They are not even one day old here - come and see them on the Open Day on Bank Holiday Monday.
Yesterday the Shropshire Star and Market Drayton Advertiser came and photographed them.
Can't wait to see the photos.

23 June 2009

Our Farm Shop

Farming nearly 130 acres in Shropshire, we have lovely fields alongside woodlands for our cattle to graze. If you think cattle and pigs should be farmed in a humane manner, then join my blog now.